Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die

I realize I'm way past due on blogging about my experience at the Cash'd Out concert in Reno but better late than never. (Even three weeks late.)

Cash'd Out has been deemed the "next best thing" to seeing the Man in Black himself and while I have no comparison I can say I was blown away. The show was amazing. The entire band was like a re-incarnation. They came out on stage smoking cigarettes (in a smokeless venue), dressed like is was 1954 and had enough hair grease between the four of them to lube up any squeaky door for miles.

Justin, my fiance, surprised me with tickets and I haven't been this excited to see a show ever. It's kind of strange if you think about it -they play cover songs and yet it was the best live show I've seen in a long time. You could tell they knew what their passionate audience wanted and they delivered.

It made me wonder, based on stories I've heard, if this performance was actually better than a live show from Johnny Cash himself. I'm not hear to criticize but my own grandmother told me of going to a Cash show in Kansas where he fell down in a drunken stupor and the show abruptly ended. While we know that the man struggled with substance abuse for a great part of his career he also redeemed himself at a point in his life and I believe tribute bands like Cash'd Out truly represent this spirit and drive and charisma that his fans love.

The only thing is I wish my family could have been there. I found myself thinking of them through out the show. I missed them. They would have loved it too. It made me think of my deceased grandparents as well. I don't know why but it did.  A show like this proves that people and their legacies live on long after they do. It was a nostalgic moment for me that I wanted to share with the people I love the most.

I did get to see the show with the man of my dreams and great friends. It was an experience I won't soon forget.